Becoming Effective in Helping Others

Further integration of the PRH helping relationship method


  • Deepen the knowledge you acquired during the first workshop on PRH helping relationship.
  • Greater mastery concerning “what to do” for yourself as well as for the persons you are helping.
  • Acquire means that enable you to enter into a self-training process with the help of a practical guide for observations.


This workshop allows you to observe methodically “what to do” in order to to be helped well and to help others efficiently. A large part of the workshop is spent on experimental work.
A few of the themes covered:

  • “Myself as client”, “Myself as helper”: taking stock of my practice
  • How to accompany someone in the expression of their sensations?
  • Knowing how to guide someone in the decision-making process
  • Getting help for myself in order to progress on my growth journey
  • How to use my written observations?
  • Action plan and final inventory

The training takes place in a group. Questions invite you to observe your life on the theme being dealt with and to describe your experience. The time of guided analysis is followed by optional sharing, without entering into discussion.In this formation participants take on the role of client and accompanist in interviews in the group or in dyads. This experience is followed by written analysis and sharing of observations, which enable participants to progress in “what to do”. An important factor is the progressive and systematic apprenticeship of how to make good use of the “Observation Notebook”.

In order to deepen participants’ personal research, the educator gives input and uses various means (diagrams, commentaries, observations notes, etc.). The variety of experiences shared in the group enriches participants. You are invited to make well thought out decisions corresponding to your actual reality.

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Conditions de participation

This formation is accessible to individuals who have followed the formation Learning to Help Using the PRH Method and Learning to Receive Help Using the PRH Method. It is also required that you have some experience as a helper. The formation is not recommended for deeply perturbed individuals or for individuals in psychotherapy, unless they receive approval from their psychotherapist.

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